Paperback OUT TODAY!
The beautiful paperback of INK BLOOD SISTER SCRIBE is out today in the US!
For more fun updates, you can check out my latest newsletter!
Paperback cover reveal deep in the depths of recent newsletter!
Or you could just feast your eyes directly on this glorious new color scheme, and PRE-ORDER IT TODAY! Click the image to get to a newsletter post about snow days, spring break, and a brief musical interview with Izzy Wasserstein, author of brand-new noir technothriller THESE FRAGILE GRACES, THIS FUGITIVE HEART!
Interview with Chloe Benjamin
This month I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Chloe Benjamin for my newsletter, and Chloe interviewed me for hers! Hers will be sent tomorrow, so be sure to sign up if you’d like to read it.
Events etc.
Howdy, I have many events coming up in Kansas, Minnesota, Tucson, and Orlando! Do please come! Most are in-person but one is virtual.
Also, I just found out I’m a finalist for the Minnesota Book Award in Genre Fiction, alongside three other novels, including hometown Hugo winner and lovely person Naomi Kritzer’s Liberty’s Daughter, yay for us! I am obsessed with Minnesota so this makes me incredibly happy and honored.
I’ll be hanging out at AWP in Kansas City, February 8-11, and will be doing an off-site reading in Lawrence, KS with my beloved pals Izzy Wasserstein and Abbey Mei Otis! We will be at the Raven Bookstore on Saturday, February 10 at 7pm.
I will be at the Oakdale Library in Oakdale, Minnesota on Monday, February 5 at 6pm!
I will be on Facebook Live (and just realized I’ll have to borrow someone’s Facebook) via the Carver County Library on Tuesday, February 20 at 6:30pm!
I will be at the Tucson Book Festival March 9-10, in Tucson Arizona! I have three panels on Saturday and Sunday: “The Magic of Storytelling” with Olivie Blake, Roshani Chokshi, and Suyi Davies Okungbowa; “A Good Villain is Hard to Find” with Cory Doctorow, Jonathan Maberry, and Moses Ose Utomi; and “The Draw of Dark Academia” with Melissa Marr and Olivie Blake.
I’ll be at International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts on March 13-16 in Orlando, Florida! I’m on a panel on Whimsy.
I’ll be at Mini Con in Minneapolis, Minnesota on March 29-31! I’ll be on two panels, “Accidental Romance” and “Libraries and Bookstores and Magic, Oh My!”
Last round of Goodreads Choice Awards! PLS VOTE THNKS
Ink Blood Sister Scribe has made it to the final round of the Goodreads choice awards in Best Debut Novel! Please do vote if the spirit moves you, thank you!!!
Please vote for me in the Goodreads Choice Awards thank you
I am going to experiment with linking my newsletter posts here, too, so I don’t have to type everything twice. Here’s my post from today.
One of the salient points is a shameless request to please vote for Ink Blood Sister Scribe in the opening round of the Goodreads Choice Awards! It’s up for both Best Debut Novel and Best Fantasy.
Also, I just saw that the hardcover is 50% off on Amazon for Black Friday, a mere fourteen dollars and eighty one cents ($14.81). WOW. What a deal, huh? What… a… deal.
Minneapolis, Madison, Kansas City, and Minneapolis again
I have several events coming up, including one this very Thursday here in Minneapolis! Please come by and say hello if the spirit moves you. And for events/news/photos of Igor, my anam cara cat, you can sign up for my newsletter.
ALSO, Ink Blood Sister Scribe will be a mere $5.99 on Kindle from October 18-October 20th! Get it while it’s hot and cheap!
Minneapolis, MN - October 19th, 7pm, Magers & Quinn
In support of spooky season and my pal Dan Hornsby’s excellent new novel, Sucker, Dan, Lesley Nneka Arimah and I will all read something scary and then chat and take questions. I think we’ll be in costume? Or maybe I invented that and I’ll be the only one dressed up. (Free and open to the public.)
Madison, WI - October 22, 10:30am, Central Library room 301
As part of the Wisconsin Book Festival, I’ll be reading and chatting at the library on Sunday morning. (Free and open to the public.)
Kansas City, MO - October 26-29, World Fantasy Convention, the Sheraton
I don’t have details yet about panels, etc., but will update here when I do. (For attending members only.)
Minneapolis, MN - November 15th, 6:30pm, Books & Bars, Sociable Cider Werks
Books & Bars, “the biggest and best book club in Minnesota,” is discussing Ink Blood Sister Scribe in November, and I will be there as a guest! (Free and open to the public.)
Barnes & Noble signing, August 5th at 1pm
If anyone in the Twin Cities is around and wants to come say hello, I’ll be signing books at the Lake Street Barnes & Noble tomorrow, Saturday August 5th, at 1pm!
£1.99 ebook of Ink Blood Sister Scribe!!! Today only!
Attention UK readers! For today and today only (August 4th), Ink Blood Sister Scribe is only £1.99 on Kindle! If it’s on your TBR, or if you’ve already read it and want an easily portable version, or you want to send it to a loved one, now is your chance to snag it on the cheap.